Category Archives: Remedies for Sensitive Dry Skin

4 Effective Remedies for Sensitive Dry Skin

Skin problems are our daily companion. People who have sensitive dry skin face many skin problems, which can be countered easily with some simple home remedies. Often we do not have time to visit a beauty salon for professional facial treatments but that should not stop us from taking care of the facial skin at home. Many easy home remedies nourish dry and sensitive skin from within and makes it glow, irrespective of the climate. Here are some home remedies for sensitive dry skin.

Banana and Yogurt:

Banana and yogurt are both easily available and inexpensive skin care ingredients. You may find them right now in your refrigerator. Mixing these two ingredients together you can make a nourishing and hydrating skin care mask to improve the health of your skin.


Mix together cocoa powder, avocados and honey for preparing a gentle mask for your dry and sensitive skin. Chocolate can help in reducing stretch marks, scar marks and fine lines. You can apply the chocolate mask on different parts of your body. Along with the described home remedies maintaining a healthy diet and drinking lots of water is necessary for you.

Olive oil and egg yolk

Olive oil is also effective in fixing dry skin problems. When you mix a teaspoon of olive with egg yolk and honey, it turns into a good facial mask. This facial mask deeply moisturizes the facial skin. You can also mix a little bit of rose water in this pack. Olive oil contains Vitamin E and K that are necessary for the nourishment of the facial skin.

Almond oil

The almond oil is naturally rich in vitamin E. It is gentle on the dry, sensitive skin and soothes the irritated areas. Almond oil is also a lubricator that softens the skin and can be used for facial massages. This oil is non-greasy. Your skin will easily absorb the almond oil drops you massage into the skin. You should massage gently at least for five minutes and rinse your face clean with lukewarm water after keeping the oil on your face for 10 minutes. Almond oil is good for sensitive skin but if you are allergenic to nuts then avoid this oil. Oil extracted from nut may affect your skin adversely.

People with dry and sensitive skin cannot tolerate harsh chemical substances. They have to be careful about the skin care products they choose. Natural and herbal home remedies prepared at home are gentle on the skin and do not cause irritation.


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